The Dynamic Dental Navigation System

The Next Generation of Endodontics

In today’s fast-moving, competitive world, we are always on the lookout for the quickest, most convenient, and most accurate fix. At Endodontic Specialist of Northeast Oklahoma , we understand the importance of treating a tooth infection right away. Our highly skilled doctors are trained and prepared to get you back out into the world where you can wear your smile with confidence.

Root canal therapy is a very common endodontic treatment that saves a tooth when nerves are affected by decay or infection. Recent technological advances have improved the accuracy of root canal therapy and increased the overall satisfaction of our patients. The Dynamic Dental Navigation System, the newest and most advanced 3D navigational system originally used for implant placement, allows our doctors to access root canals with an unsurpassed level of precision and control. Adding this latest form of digital scanning software to our current capabilities has significantly enhanced the effectiveness of our root canal treatment.

The Benefits

Dynamic 3D Navigation provides a variety of benefits for our endodontists and patients. This revolutionary protocol:

  • Saves time—single visit treatment.
  • Improves accuracy.
  • Provides same-day surgery options.
  • Allows for complete treatment in one location.
  • Reduces cost—multiple guides and visits are no longer necessary.
  • Supplies easier access to posterior teeth

The Navigation System Process

Dynamic 3D Navigation is an interactive protocol which aids our doctors in improving precision and access. Our doctors confidently create and implement a 3D treatment plan by accessing the Navigation System’s live, 360-degree view of drill position and oral anatomy. This cutting-edge technology assists in our achieving consistent and desirable results, as it provides our doctors with one dynamic focus point: the screen.

The computer navigation software provides an alternative to static drill guides (CAD/CAM). Working in real-time, rather than requiring hours of planning and fabricating before a patient’s appointment, the Navigation System consists of an overhead 3D camera that focuses on the endodontist’s handpiece and the patient’s jaw. The computer calculates the positions of the handpiece relative to the jaw, and the doctor focuses on the screen which displays a target-like graphic.

This new technology eliminates numerous difficulties encountered when using static drill guides, and proves most effective in more complex cases, such as calcified pulp chambers and canals. Dynamic Navigation also has the potential for assisting our doctors in cases where apical surgery is indicated. This will positively impact the way we carry out root canal treatment, by helping to locate very calcified canals with much smaller access while preserving more tooth structure. In a single visit, thanks to X-NAV Technologies, our endodontists can precisely and confidently drill through solid dentin roots, disinfecting and restoring teeth, one smile at a time.

Computer-guided endodontics is a new and exciting field of dental surgery, and the Navigation System is a tool that allows our doctors to see – via a computer screen – into your mouth as they operate. Dynamic 3D Navigation scans, navigates, and – similar to a GPS – directs our doctors to exact locations as they plan and perform surgery.

Dynamic 3D Navigation is simply a tool that requires the skill and experience of an expert endodontist. Combining the latest advances in technology with the expertise of our doctors, we have truly seen an increase in overall patient satisfaction and happy, healthy smiles. Call us today to find out more about Dynamic 3D Navigation Endodontic SpecialistS of Northeast Oklahoma Phone Number (918) 524-3366.